"let's go,"
Monday, February 9, 2009 / Monday, February 09, 2009
mondays. are. so. ah-nnoying.
seriously i hate the whole day. especially today.
get up at 5.30 leave house at 6.
reach school at 6.30
lessons start at 7?

and today was so boring...
\home econs:did rubbish.
science: did nothing.
then recess: ate chicken briyani(only good thing about today)
then whatever whatever whatever.
after school
had to stay back to make banana muffins to sell to raise funds for dance cca.

while selling it was really fun though
me, sharon, anna and desiree went together and anna kept going, "good morninggg ma'arm"
and singing "get back" and "fly on the wall,"

hilarious as sashni.

anyway, went home after abd complained to my mother for awhile, bathe, homework, eat, blogging now. gonna sleep.
so ,later.

i hope i'm there to see you,
when you crash and burn.

"A long night spent with your most obvious weakness. You start shaking at the thought."

Make Damn Sure by
Taking Back Sunday.





Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.