you're the reason
Thursday, March 5, 2009 / Thursday, March 05, 2009

today was the worst day ever.

i was about to break down and cry. first of all, i neeaarly got a booking, for something i DIDN'T do, then next i had to give a speech in AE, i nearly passed out, i was that scared yeah. and then after going to debi's house, returned home and found my dad and mother waiting there in the living room for me. and they said "HOD called me,"

"oh, crap," riiiight??

but they weren't mad, cause they know i didn't do anything, and that my tamil teacher kinda hates me, so yeaaahhh, everything's going to be fine tomorrow. :)

i built my walls so well and strong, to keep out everything and everyone whom i know is not worth my time and never will be, you just knocked down the walls and cut me deep, i've never felt hurt the way i did today. aren't you supposed to be, wise, forgiving, mature and all that? where's your understanding? she's a great liar?? what were you thinking?! don't you think you've crossed the line? how can you be smiling; smirking when you see someone so hurt right in front of you? i bet you think, you've won, well, you havn't. there's something called karma, maybe you've heard of it?

"i'm out of breath,

but i'm still going strong,"


"A long night spent with your most obvious weakness. You start shaking at the thought."

Make Damn Sure by
Taking Back Sunday.





Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.