Tuesday, April 8, 2008 / Tuesday, April 08, 2008
have you ever had someone in your life who made you think you could conquer anything?
someone who could make you smile even when you felt like all you could do was cry?
veron was that for me.
she took the bad things in life and turned them into miracles, if i was upset she's there with a bright smile that made all the troubles in the world seem miniscule compared to her brightly lit face.
sometimes i think she could have eclipsed the sun with that smile.
most teens fear death. i fear the death of a great friendship even more. as scary moments go, that's one of the worst. since we have been posted to different schools, we talked to each other very few times..and our bond seems to be breaking..we are at the verge of completely forgetting each other, i will not allow that to happen. every time i walk past a familiar road its like a trip down a memory lane..all i remember is you and me having fun, our fave pastime: doing SOMETHING at the school football field and making fun of HER.haha. this is a TRIBUTE to MY BEST FRIEND VERON!
i will never forget you, my best friend always.

*had mangoes with chilli and salt for an after dinner snack. yummy:D
ate too much. currently experiencing bad stomach ache):



"A long night spent with your most obvious weakness. You start shaking at the thought."

Make Damn Sure by
Taking Back Sunday.





Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.