the aftermath
Saturday, February 28, 2009 / Saturday, February 28, 2009

okay, so i forgot to mention i got most of my marks back.
Mother Tongue: 31/50 (b4)
History: 28/40 (a2)
Physics: 32/40 (a1)
Geography: 25/30 (a1)
Maths: 36/50 (a2)

mother tongue, this high was not expected, i thought i'd fail. history, hoped to get higher,
physics okay i guess. geog, higher than expected, maths very disappointing.

yet to get my home econs, lit and english marks.
hopefully all will be a1.

I could rage like a fire and you'd bring rain i desire
Til you get to me on my morningside


buckets of lemons
Friday, February 27, 2009 / Friday, February 27, 2009
i have. a TRUCK LOAD. of homework.
maths. mother tongue. bio. and who knows what else.
if i'm lucky, maybe it'll all disappear.
yeah, right.

My Saving Grace
/ Friday, February 27, 2009
"i don't understand lord of the rings,
but i think the guy with the long blonde hair
is really cute,"

went to compass with sharlene and cally.
funny stuff.

everywhere i'm looking now,
i'm surrounded by your embrace,
i can see your halo,
you know you're my saving grace.
Flaws and All.
Thursday, February 26, 2009 / Thursday, February 26, 2009
i'm so proud of you debi, although i'd love to steal your intelligence

The angels said I'd smile today.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009 / Wednesday, February 25, 2009
i found this picture in my computer. random.

i got back my history marks today.A2. that's kinda sad, one more mark and i could've gotten A1. oh well. school was kinda boring today. after school , i had dance. did stretching and went to the hall, where ms goh gave non-syf dancers parts in AC. so's gonna be a multi racial thing, like indian, malay, chinese and modern dance. i got the chinese dance part. :) that's all for now..i think. gotta do my homework now.

the curious case of benjamin button.
Monday, February 23, 2009 / Monday, February 23, 2009

went to watch the curious case of benjamin button with clauds, alethea and sharlene.
debi couldn't make it):
sashni too.

anyway, ate at manhattan fish market (claudia!)
then watched the movie and everything.
poor brad pitt. (clauds, alethea and sharlene will know why, hehe)

anyway, today was stupid.
"yes, i am kinda random debi,"
i reallyyy don't wanna be in school tomorrow, unless i'm getting back my marks.
i have a headache and i just don't wanna be among all those people tomorrow.
tuesdays are the worst.
and i just want to curl up in the corner and sleep through this week.
i hate school.
i really do.
fish sticks.
love on the rocks
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 / Wednesday, February 18, 2009

leave, unsaid, unspoken
eyes wide, shut, unopened
you and me
always between the lines,
between the lines.
i keep saying
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 / Tuesday, February 17, 2009
i'm just not in the mood,
and i wanna stuff dynamite into my mouth and hope that when it
blows up, my head goes too.

i have this crappy feeling in me,
that keeps prodding at me and it never goes away,
"i'm not going to give in to your prodding!" you'll eventually hear me yell that,
to no one in particular.

and then i'll wish the floor would open up and swallow me.

"hi debi, i think your pencil box is so cool!"
puddles of thick yellow paint
/ Tuesday, February 17, 2009
"when you wake up in the morning, i'll be gone,"
4 over,
4 more to go.
i guess, i'll live through it.

one more conversation,
one more chance to make up for the time,
when you thought they would be here forever,
you can go your whole life collecting days, and none will outweigh the one
you wish you had back.

-for one more day.


Saturday, February 14, 2009 / Saturday, February 14, 2009
look at the sunshine,
and tell me it's not beautiful.
don't gimme that face
Thursday, February 12, 2009 / Thursday, February 12, 2009


today was okay.
nothing extreme.
lotsa stuff's been happening,

but i won't elaborate further,
not worth the time.
so anyway, today ae was the best period i guess.
then me, debi, alethea and claudia went to compass to get stuff (sashni! *winkwink*).

then debi left for cold storage where her mum was.
then claudia left for body shop where HER mum was.
then alethea and me went to the interchange,

so right now i'm righting a reeaaallly personal message for sashni.

It's hard now to let you be
I won't make excuses
I've made my peace
It didn't take long
For me to lose the trust
'Cause these four walls
Were not strong enough

two hundred and fourteen times
Tuesday, February 10, 2009 / Tuesday, February 10, 2009
debi! you've been linked right under xxx:)


seems to drag by at all times.
after school stayed back with alethea, and sashni to do maths.
then we were really confused.
all of us started wishing debi was there.(had tuition)

but the marina came and explained the maths to us.
(thanks! debi, marina, sashni and alethea for helping me understand algebra!)

so now i get it,
and i'm doing my HW now.
and i have my sickening mother tongue homework to do.


fall out boy is in town! haha.

"hello, thit thatviniii arhhh"-sashni
"guessth who i am larrrh"-sashni
"noooo, thit sashni, i mean thatvi....aiya you know ready lah,"-sashni
i just keep telling myself,
3 more years...
just 3 more years...
"let's go,"
Monday, February 9, 2009 / Monday, February 09, 2009
mondays. are. so. ah-nnoying.
seriously i hate the whole day. especially today.
get up at 5.30 leave house at 6.
reach school at 6.30
lessons start at 7?

and today was so boring...
\home econs:did rubbish.
science: did nothing.
then recess: ate chicken briyani(only good thing about today)
then whatever whatever whatever.
after school
had to stay back to make banana muffins to sell to raise funds for dance cca.

while selling it was really fun though
me, sharon, anna and desiree went together and anna kept going, "good morninggg ma'arm"
and singing "get back" and "fly on the wall,"

hilarious as sashni.

anyway, went home after abd complained to my mother for awhile, bathe, homework, eat, blogging now. gonna sleep.
so ,later.

i hope i'm there to see you,
when you crash and burn.
when everything is said and done, where will you run?
Saturday, February 7, 2009 / Saturday, February 07, 2009
i spent 3 and a half hours learning physics from my sister.
and finally i understand.
but it's not over, next week we'll continue with electricity.
now i have to start revising geography.
geography is just really boring.
to me.
i definitely won't be taking geography next year.

tell me who will save you
when there's no one else around
and you can't turn to me
tell me where will you be
when it's over
all this pride you hold inside is gone
tell me where will you hide
when it's over
and everything you know is said and done
when it's over where will you run
this is what you do to me
Friday, February 6, 2009 / Friday, February 06, 2009
pink undies. haha.

i'm going just a little bit crazy.


and so, the story begins...
/ Friday, February 06, 2009
fridayfridayfriday. the best day of the week.
it's the end of the school week.
it ends early,
but friday night television sucks.
i'm so proud of you
and as of today,
my revision for common test starts.
and all the while i'm studying, all that's going through my head is
"aiyoyo". i need help.
i choose to be the bigger person
and i know
there is no good in looking back on yesterday
and wondering what could have happened then


Thursday, February 5, 2009 / Thursday, February 05, 2009
today was okay i guess.
mission was kinda cool.
winona! i joined bebo, what is it anyway?
today went really fast. so didn't really feel like going home,
went to compass with alethea.
bought fall out boy's CD.
can't delay doing hw much longer,
so got out my books,
and now i'm just staring at the question.
Last time, i fell and i hit hard
my wounds have healed by now
But i still see my scars, yeah
this time, it's not gonna be me


Wednesday, February 4, 2009 / Wednesday, February 04, 2009

it's time for you to grow up.
it's mission tomorrow.

these people don't deserve to have such good friends,
just keep your head up high, keep smiling and stay strong.
i'm always there for you,


my plastic duckie
Tuesday, February 3, 2009 / Tuesday, February 03, 2009

/ Tuesday, February 03, 2009

"it's like standing naked on front of your toilet bowl saying where's my purpur bean?" ... uhhh, DEBI? WHAAAAT??

so tuesdays are the worst days. goes on forever and ever.
anyway, after school,
went to sashni's house.
and took lotsa lotsa lotsa pictures.
we were reeeaaaally high.

claudia and sashni in the same room should be illegal.
if they had made me laugh anymore than they did i would have peed in my pants,



"A long night spent with your most obvious weakness. You start shaking at the thought."

Make Damn Sure by
Taking Back Sunday.





Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.