freakin horse shit!
Friday, May 23, 2008 / Friday, May 23, 2008

i am freakin pissed. my holidays have started but it don't feel like one.
i have like a million dance practices to go to. i just hate it. i love dancing but are they trying to kill us with so many practices. sometimes i just feel like giving up and letting the world pass me by.

how much can i take?!

and i am sick of hearing my mum say she doesn't approve of what i am doing. i am not living for her, i live for me. frankly i would rather just go to school then stay at home. don't get me wrong i love my mum to bits, but sometimes i just wana get away from her. if i wanna dance i wanna dance! no body can stop me except me. get that straight.

and i am tired, okay? just freakin tired. i don't wanna be in dance ensemble if all they are trying to do is kill us with over practice. i just wanna live my life the way i want. it IS my life. my back hurts so bad. my feet are killing me. my eyes just can't stay open. my fingers are like jelly. and i just cried for one WHOLE hour thanks to the people in my class and my family. i am sick and tired of people backstabbing me. all right? since primary school everybody says i am a bitch. i maybe one at times, but that's only when you're asking for it. i am generally nice. you got a problem with me, tell it to my face ok, don't you dare bitch about me.

i just wanna get away from all this bullshit and relax, so give me a break, i'm not asking for too much.

REYANNA,JAZZYMMA,DEBI,WINONA,ILYANA,CHELSEA AND MEI JUN,these are the people who manage to put a smile on my face everyday without fail. i don't know what i'd do without you. even when i come to school in a bad mood, you manage to turn my frown upside down. making me laugh is difficult. but you manage to do it everyday. without you i would be a complete and utter mess. thanks for being there.
not forgetting chris brown too! lol.



"A long night spent with your most obvious weakness. You start shaking at the thought."

Make Damn Sure by
Taking Back Sunday.





Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.