Wednesday, March 12, 2008 / Wednesday, March 12, 2008
"under my umbrella,ella,ella,ella...."
at pizza hut, with mushroom soup(:

its raining but cant see it in the pic.

today was to DESCRIBE??? well, anyway first...
8.30am: dancers had dance practice ...we didnt do ANYTHING.
9.00am: dancers of 1h had to leave for CD lesson
10.00am: went back to dance...BORING
then 12.30 dance was over, so me, jazzymma, salvinder, juanita and reyanna went to PIZZA HUT to eat. we bought the set pizza thingy, i got a pepsi and BBQ CHICKEN SUPREME...yum(: oooh and cream of mushroom soup...then we took pics in the restaurant and when we asked for the bill nobody payed any attention to us...we were shouting and calling for the bill then FINALLY it the time everything was done we were LATE for our history remedial...-screamsss-so we ran all the way back to school and it was raining so heavily...and between the 5 of us we had to share 2 umbrellas...i was sharing reyanna's umbrella and i cudnt hold it properly cos i'm taller than her and i caused her to get wet..oops -sorry(:- then we WEREN'T late in the end..thank god. but we were drenched though. in history we sat down without our pinafores it was a CRAZY day(:



"A long night spent with your most obvious weakness. You start shaking at the thought."

Make Damn Sure by
Taking Back Sunday.





Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.