Monday, March 31, 2008 / Monday, March 31, 2008
haha(: absolute cuteness:D
artistic pic, credits to ME(:

the 2 beauties:rey and irah(:

cable car view

hello! yesterday was so fun..we did cable car dining for jazz's bday!!! first i met rey and we went to vivo...we ate at ben and jerry..so nice..tried rey's cookie dough..so delish(: then we met jazz and her best fren irah at starbucks..then we went to play at the water thingy at the 3rd level...then we went to pet safari..and we saw the CUTEST dogs ever!! i want king charles.. cuteness(: then jazz's mom picked us up and drove us to the cable car place..then we waited and waited and waited AND WAITED...finally we got on..then we were off! me and rey were scared at first then we were ok...yay us! we took pics and ate the best food ever..fish and chips with sprite..vanilla ice cream...and white chocolate vanilla cake...yums..(((:
it was SUPER DI DUPER FUN! (: thank u jazz and jazz's mum for inviting me(:


Thursday, March 27, 2008 / Thursday, March 27, 2008
not so tired now.
school:same old nonsense.
then after that we had dance, we had to be there at 2.45 and guess what time dancers where called to reherse? at 5.30....thanks a bunch teachers...FOR WASTING MY TIME! and nearly killing me...what were they thinking when they picked the dance costumes??? i'm gonna die of shame....tmr is full dress rehersal with make-up...argh!!! saturday is the real day...starts at 4 ends at 7....sunday i'm going to jazz's b'day party....arh..so exciting!!!we're doing cable car dining...can't wait((:


tired like hell
/ Thursday, March 27, 2008
i'm so tired.

more another day)):


Wednesday, March 26, 2008 / Wednesday, March 26, 2008

so today i saw a dead bird on my way to school...it was so gross..but sad too....ugh.
anyway, today school:boring. after school was told to stay back by mother tongue teacher but ran away..cos wanted to go pizza hut with rey and jazz...(i'll upload the pics another day)...we went around compass...they tried diff. nail polish on me...all sucked..haha the color i mean. then we went to best denki...and i saw a digi cam that i wanted....my dad's buying it for me this june..~wheeeeee! i love it. its water-proof...i wanna use it when i go swimming with my friends..i'll target to get a shot of all my peeps wedgies...haha.joking. also the color is so nice its like greenish-yellow...my goodness, i'm lovin' it.
well that's all.
*to capture a single moment forever*


when will this end?
Tuesday, March 25, 2008 / Tuesday, March 25, 2008
>>reach for the sky<<
boredom has not left...its here to stay...
latest wish: a pair of silky(if not real silk) PJs...mewantmewant...((:


Monday, March 24, 2008 / Monday, March 24, 2008


today was kinda boring, ya know....mr.boredom still hanging on to me like its the end of the world...for him maybe, but for me its a bright new chapter. okay that was so cheesy...lols, don't mean it anyways, meant that I AM FANTABULOUS!!! read that and memorise it!!! lols...well, whatever, gtg.


Sunday, March 23, 2008 / Sunday, March 23, 2008

i have so many things to do..and being a good girl (cue:laugh disbelievingly), i do all those things then in the middle of that, boredom decides to come running with its arms flying around and wrap itself around me...jeezz...now it won't let go...
out of everyone boredom wants to choose me, whoop-dee-doo! i'm sooo lucky.someone just take a machine gun and shoot me till it runs out of bullets, i bet a million bucks, boredom won't let go of me even then...ass..

*boredom keeps creeping up on me*


Saturday, March 22, 2008 / Saturday, March 22, 2008
yesterday i had a BIG fight with my sister at night....she wanted to watch one thing on telly and i wanted to watch something else, then we started screaming at each other and turning to our parents for support...then it turned ugly, i took a knife and threw it at her.

haha.joking. i just told her she was being unfair and then i went and slept. we're cool now...we are always fighting over small things...its normal riiiight? hope so...hahahahahhahah...kay kay, gtg now.


/ Saturday, March 22, 2008
[x] I love at least one shade of pink.
[x] I don't like being messy.
[ ] My belongings are organized
[x] I don't like rock music.
[x] I like wearing accessories.
[x] Bright colors amaze me.
[ ] I hate black.
[ ] I go to the salon once a week.
[ ] I comb my hair almost all the time.
[x] I bring my phone with me everywhere.
add up all your marks and multiply itby 10. you are 60% girly.
Boyish .
[ ] I wear baggy pants.
[ ] I play video games
[x] I listen to boy bands like MyChemical Romance, Yellowcard,Switc h foot, etc.
[x] I like wearing jackets with hoods.
[x] I'm too lazy to do chores.
[ ] I don't like shopping
[ ] I like to go bungee jumping.
[ ] I like being sweaty
[ ] I'm a big fan of marvel heroes.
[ ] I barely wear perfume.add up all your marks and multiply itby 10. you are 30% boyish.
[ ] I always carry a pen in my purseor pocket.
[ ] I enjoy studying.
[x] I wear glasses.
[ ] I'm a straight-A student
[ ] I've never skipped any class in mywhole life.
[ ] I like my shirt tucked in.
[ ] My favorite subject is science.
[ ] I enjoy reading books.
[ ] My assignments are passed up ontime.
[ ] I correct people with theirgrammar.add up all your marks and multiply itby 10. you are 10% nerdy.
[ ] I love the color black.
[ ] I always sit at the corner
[ ] One side of my hair is coveringone of my eyes.
[ ] I like listening to metal rockmusic.
[ ] I have a lot of problems in mylife.
[ ] I'm not much of a loud person.
[ ] I don't talk much.
[ ] I don't have that much friends.
[ ] I barely have fun.
[ ] I barely go out with my folks or friends.add up all your marks and multiply itby 10. you are 0% emo.
[ ] I am open to my parents.
[x] I sleep with a stuff toy.
[x] I watch cartoons.
[ ] I don't like watching horrormovies.
[ ] I sleep with a night light.
[ ] My parents are the ones who choose my outfit.
[ ] I'm scared of roller coasters.
[x] I like being with my familyrelatives.
[ ] I take bubble baths.
[ ] I've ran around the house in myunderwear.
add up all your marks and multiply itby 10. you are 30% childish.


my new bag
/ Saturday, March 22, 2008

i'm back from plaza sing'....i didn't get the one i wanted so i bought the second best there....
i hope it looks ok with my uniform...
that's all.


Friday, March 21, 2008 / Friday, March 21, 2008
i'm gonna go out later and buy a new bag(: my current bag is killing my back....
so i'm only gonna use it on tuesdays...=) well , okay. got nothing to say....


/ Friday, March 21, 2008
i'm so sick right now...i think i've sneezed more then a million times today..my back hurts from that)):
and my nose i so red...and my eyes look like a pig's....i have a headache , as tho some one dropped a mountain on my head..ow. man...it hurts so bad)))):


red convertible..me loves
Thursday, March 20, 2008 / Thursday, March 20, 2008
the car i saw on tv was a million times better, omg...LOVE IT.

i just saw a RED BMW CONVERTIBLE !!!!!!!!! i lovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelove it!!! i want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --screeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmm-- ok..i'll stop being a freak now...


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holidays coming(:
/ Thursday, March 20, 2008
today swimming was fun as usual....we were swimming in the 1.8m, then reyanna was ...erm what was she doing??? i dunno...haha...anyway she suddenly grabbed my swimsuit and pulled...ARGH! lucky i didn't drown, 'cos i nearly fell in. then we played water captain's ball...we had to form 2 groups of 5, ilyana,reyanna,debi,you shan and me were together...AND OUR GROUP WON!!!!! whoo-peeeeeee((((((:
that's all


i'm FREAKIN out
Wednesday, March 19, 2008 / Wednesday, March 19, 2008

BOO! (:
today we had dance...very tiring....kept repeating the same things then there were about a MILLION changes.....now i have so much homework that was supposed to be done AGES ago....i'm so DEAD...)):
well, that's all.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008 / Tuesday, March 18, 2008

today was such a LONG BORING day.
first we had lessons...yada yada yada......then we had aesthetics:dance...yay! we're doing JAZZ, so cool....we did warm ups ...which were not too difficult . then we learned bit of the jazz PIROUETTE(??) then we did the jazz walk...so it was kinda cool...then after school we had dance practice ....to describe it in one word would be "OW"....well gtg.


danceworks champs
Monday, March 17, 2008 / Monday, March 17, 2008

these are the champions of danceworks category 2,prelim B. they are really good.wish SJC could have won though. --sadness--

*wait for the video to load, before watching it:)


/ Monday, March 17, 2008

i didn't go to school today...too sick...):
anyway, yesterday was the danceworks competition...had to go there to SUPPORT the SJC DOLLS!!! :D we didn't win though, we got the best costume award...it was so tiring...nearly died. erm...i haven't completed my holiday homework....still got maths and tamil....well gtg.


Friday, March 14, 2008 / Friday, March 14, 2008
i didn't do ANYTHING today.
just sat on the couch and watched TV....first i watched some trash...then i watched TRANSFORMERS (!!!) then i watched more crap....i'm so BORED (this word comes out in almost ALL my posts(: haha.)...i think i'll go commit suicide now...bye.

haha.joke. i'll just go mope around the house again.

See Ya.


Thursday, March 13, 2008 / Thursday, March 13, 2008
today i went out with shu qing to watch water horse...loads of fun..
too tired to go into detail...more later


Wednesday, March 12, 2008 / Wednesday, March 12, 2008
"under my umbrella,ella,ella,ella...."
at pizza hut, with mushroom soup(:

its raining but cant see it in the pic.

today was erm...how to DESCRIBE??? well, anyway first...
8.30am: dancers had dance practice ...we didnt do ANYTHING.
9.00am: dancers of 1h had to leave for CD lesson
10.00am: went back to dance...BORING
then 12.30 dance was over, so me, jazzymma, salvinder, juanita and reyanna went to PIZZA HUT to eat. we bought the set pizza thingy, i got a pepsi and BBQ CHICKEN SUPREME...yum(: oooh and cream of mushroom soup...then we took pics in the restaurant and when we asked for the bill nobody payed any attention to us...we were shouting and calling for the bill then FINALLY it came....by the time everything was done we were LATE for our history remedial...-screamsss-so we ran all the way back to school and it was raining so heavily...and between the 5 of us we had to share 2 umbrellas...i was sharing reyanna's umbrella and i cudnt hold it properly cos i'm taller than her and i caused her to get wet..oops -sorry(:- then we WEREN'T late in the end..thank god. but we were drenched though. in history we sat down without our pinafores on...so it was a CRAZY day(:


Monday, March 10, 2008 / Monday, March 10, 2008

today me and my literature group went to COMPASS POINT to do our LIT. PROJECT.
at first it was boring then got more FUN. we took funny pics and went to the different shops and fooled around...i don't have the pics in the shops now cos my battery went flat..i'll post those another day.


Sunday, March 9, 2008 / Sunday, March 09, 2008

sundays are always BORING. i have NOTHING to do right now. and tommorow i have to go to school for literature. its supposed to be a HOLIDAY people! ): and AFTER that i still have to stay back to do my literature project with my group, why can't they give us a PROPER break...is that TOO much to ask for??? all i want to do for my holidays is sleep,eat,watch TV and sleep....but NO i have to STUDY....this is soooo UNFAIR!
and i have to return to school on wednesday too for history..):


Friday, March 7, 2008 / Friday, March 07, 2008
english language-A1 (77)
tamil-C6 (52)
maths-A1 (84)
science-A1 (84)
geography-A2 (70)
history-A1 (89)
literature-B4 (64)
design and technology-B4 (68)

my remarks in my report book was: pavithra is very focussed and attentive in class. she seems very determined to perform well academically. keep it up pavithra.
haha. i NEVER pay attention in class truth be told. MUA HA HA HA HA!


/ Friday, March 07, 2008
i just realised that for D and T we had to do a quiz online by yesterday 12 midnight...
and i TOTALLY forgot!!!! -scream!!!-
now i'm gonna get ZERO outta 25!!! i am SO DEAD.):
i hope mr seng doesn't realise...well anyway i changed my blogskin again, its so NICE (:
well i gtg do my HOLIDAY homework now...
doesnt FEEL like a holiday, we still have to go back to school on MONDAY and WEDNESDAY....sadness.

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/ Friday, March 07, 2008


sports day
/ Friday, March 07, 2008
today was my school sports day :D
quite boring and fun at the same time....i'm in st catherine btw.
so first me, reyanna and salvinder went to JAZZYMMA"S HOUSE.
her house was SO BIG!!! (:
then we ate took a few pics and went to BISHAN STADIUM.
then cheer cheer cheer (BORING!) mostly i was talking to amiera and juanita.
okay i'm tired now, more details later (:


Wednesday, March 5, 2008 / Wednesday, March 05, 2008

hello :)
just got home from school...today i had dance so returned home late...
it was so painful today, the teacher added new stretching moves...and boy, was it painful...i nearly broke my back, dislocated my knee and ripped my whole body in half. Nearly. lucky nothing happened though. now i have to do my literature homework : "Do you like literature or not? Why?" my answer is NO!!! cos i only got 16 outta 25 for my common test 1...that's a B4 or something :(
anyway gtg.


Monday, March 3, 2008 / Monday, March 03, 2008
i dunno what's with my new blogskin but bcos of it u can't see my old posts....:(
nvm, i'll get a new blogskin soon (:


/ Monday, March 03, 2008
today was so boring...thought i was gonna DIE. 1st period: MATHS: didn't go cos' we had assembly. 2nd period: PE: BORING! we played with the flying disc (frisbee). 3rd period: ENGLISH: aloso BORING. then came RECESS: whoooots! but i just ate, so nothing interesting. then i don't even feel like going into detail about my other subjects. so today was a boring blur. then we had DANCE. turned out it was only for the mainstage dancers....so i basically wasted around 2 hours there. then i came home and my house was SO EMPTY, it was kinda creepy, like someone was gonna jump out and scare the SHIT OUTTA ME!!!!!!! then luckily my sister came home. well that's all.


Saturday, March 1, 2008 / Saturday, March 01, 2008
Check Out Christina's Baby Bump :D
Christina and Husband (:


my wishlist
/ Saturday, March 01, 2008
my latest one :D

1.OCEAN PACIFIC shoulder bag
3.handphone pouch
5.DIOR ADDICT perfume
6.CONVERSE shoes
7.more CLOTHES!!!!

i'm probably never gonna get all these stuff ..hahahahhhahhahha...



"A long night spent with your most obvious weakness. You start shaking at the thought."

Make Damn Sure by
Taking Back Sunday.





Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.