Friday, February 29, 2008 / Friday, February 29, 2008

argh...the rubik's cube still has me confused...but i'm learning slowly, i can only do first 2 layers..then i'm like huh?? kk, gtg learn the damn thing.



more marks
Wednesday, February 27, 2008 / Wednesday, February 27, 2008
i got back my d and t marks....B3.
so sad right...well not like i CARE d and t is not going to be of ANY USE to me...
so today was kinda BORING..we had CD but there wasn't any COOL stuff to do....
so today was BASICALLY BORING...oh ya we had DANCE today...we did stretching first (OUCH!) then we did our dance. for our first performance we must join together with the centre stage people...then there was a showcase...and BLAH BLAH BLAH..u know...BORING!! well i gtg do my homework

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008 / Tuesday, February 26, 2008
btw i got back most of my CT marks
english>>A2--room for IMPROVEMENT
e-maths>>A1--GOOD enough
geography>>A2--who cares?
mother tongue>>C6--no surprises here..
still waiting for my literature and d and t....


Monday, February 25, 2008 / Monday, February 25, 2008
i just got home.
the bus was so FREAKIN' CROWDED! like, i could hardly BREATHE!
anyway i'm doing my homework now....i have A TON OF IT. dunno how i'm gonna finish it ): i got back most of my CT MARKS!!! but i don't wanna post my results until all of them have been given to me.
so i gtg.


people: a message 4 you
Sunday, February 24, 2008 / Sunday, February 24, 2008
its like the third time or something i'm posting today, cos' i'm like FREAKIN' BORED...
but i'm here to TELL u guys : PLEASE visit my friendster and COMMENT cos' it looks really BARE
okay...i guess that's IT
bye (:


/ Sunday, February 24, 2008
i'm done moping around my house....
i'm STILL bored....why isn't anybody tagging?? so few ppl tag, so sad..PLEASE TAG
(: so anyway...I"VE DONE ALL MY HOMEWORK! this is a rather BIG acheivement for a dunce like me (:
anyway lately i feel so i not eating enough? hehe. joke. but seriously though i feel like i'm a robot which is incapable of emotion. well, whatever.
march holidays i'm going to AMK HUB with one of my primary school BEST FRIENDS to watch A MOVIE.
WhEeEeEeEeEeEe!!! we are so enthu about it(: that we cant stop talking about it...and we are going splurge our money on NEOPRINTS!!! to have and to hold!!!


New Blogskin
Saturday, February 23, 2008 / Saturday, February 23, 2008
i changed my blogskin...its so NICE, i LOVE it...
anyway today i went swimming and swam here and there, SO BORING. then i came home i was SO DARK
and i havnt even done any of my homework, i don't know if there's who cares?
i'm so bored now...i feel like watcing TV or eating but i'm too full and there's nothing but CRAP on TV so why BOTHER
i think i'll go do the CHACHA now.

haha. joke. i don't know how to chacha. i'll just go mope around my house now..


my knickers are in a twist..
Friday, February 22, 2008 / Friday, February 22, 2008
argh...i am so scared for all my common test results
i am sure to have failed everything...i'm so dumb.....i really screwed up big time
keeping my fingers crossed...):

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/ Friday, February 22, 2008
today the sec ones had MISSION...the people from the mission team were: isabelle, joshua, father gerrard,kemmy and shalini..
so we started off with guess the song and then we also had bonus rounds like, u have to sing the song or dance to of the songs was a michael jackson song....then there was some other stuff...joshua was kinda funny...and i liked cute! but the lecture parts were boring (of course) cos' of this we didn't have lessons for THE WHOLE, WHOO HOOOOO!!!!!! then after the thing ended i went to the bench in front of the dance studio to design a u know cheer our dancers on in the coming competition...we are the SJC DOLLS...(: harhar...quite cute........... then i hurried home asap to take a LONG NAP cos' i'm going out to buy STUFF!!! wheeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! bye!


Wednesday, February 20, 2008 / Wednesday, February 20, 2008
today i had dance cca was okay, the stretching wasn't as painful as last week...then we learnt the next few steps to the routine...then me and reyanna got chosen to dance for the main part or something ( not sure)...i was like "HUH?' cos i dance like a freak...anyway by the time i reach home it was 7.30 PM...then i had to bathe then i watched MR BEAN (boring) now using the computer....

aiyah...2mrw got swimming...its so boring the lesson part, before and after is damn fun....and i swim like a fool..hehez....well i gtg, i lazy to type more

reminder: don't forget to use CBOX!!!


Tuesday, February 19, 2008 / Tuesday, February 19, 2008
tommorow there's modern dance CCA.


This and That
Monday, February 18, 2008 / Monday, February 18, 2008
so today was my mother tongue and design and technology exam....finished both of them like super quick...and pretended to check my work...really i was just taking a nap..hehe (ssshhh!) i finished so quickly cos i didn't know how to do anything...d and t, i only know how to do the isometric drawing...the fill in the blanks was a big blur to me...i was,like, 'huh?' so anyhow do....then we sat and around and talked...then we had AE (singing) and today we actually got to sit down!! wheee. then everyone was doing their parts...then it was kinda reyanna and ilyana started to perform ballroom dancing...then joey began to teach ilyana how to waltz...then rey spun me around...and being the big sap i am, i spun the wrong way! so anyway me,rey,joey and ilyana were BALLROOM DANCING...then the teacher saw joey and she asked them to dance in front of the whole class....then they started laughing and set everyone ya...i guess that's the only fun we had in the whole day...then we had assembly which was SUPER BORING...thought i was gonna die! then came home...the bus i took (88) was like so damn smelly...ew...then ran all the way to my house and now i am gonna go out

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Early Return
Sunday, February 17, 2008 / Sunday, February 17, 2008
today i had my maths and literaure test, after that i came home, cos i was sick.
now i have nothing to is so boring, nothing interesting ever happens at school...i mean there are stuff but i can't say it on my blog...
well, i better go rest


/ Sunday, February 17, 2008
2mrw at ten PM on channel there's heroes!!! so sad, i won't be able to watch....since school has reopened...maybe after everyone has fallen asleep i'll sneak into the living room and watch..hee hee hee.....
i LOVE heroes...i've only watched some episodes, didn't get a chence to watch all....but i LOVE it. i especially love claire bennet and hiro nakamori (:
well i gtg.


Revision over...
Saturday, February 16, 2008 / Saturday, February 16, 2008
i've finished revising, but i havnt finish me HW...too tired to do...dun i am just surfing the web..looking at rubbish.....oh ya, i tried to vacum my room today..could'nt do was so loud and the thingy was flying everywhere, so scary... well that was an experience...then i drank some lemonade (it was horrible), and now i am so bored....i think i'll go take a nap, or maybe i'll do my HW afterall...(:


Must Revise!
/ Saturday, February 16, 2008
hello (:
my maths test is coming up, so i'm,like, revising like CRAZY!!! my maths is really weak, so i'm scared i'll fail..argh!! help me!!! i hate maths.....):
anyway, i updated my friendster a bit, then did some other rubbish on my computer...
btw, why isn't anyone using the C-box??? think i put for decoration isit?? better use!
erm...nothing to say ready...oh ya, i finished ALL the sweets and snacks i got for valentine's day..yum! THANX EVERYONE!! and my balloons have lost their sad ): they don't float anymore.......well i gtg now


Chem. Common Test
Friday, February 15, 2008 / Friday, February 15, 2008
today was my chemistry was okay i guess...after the test me,jazzymma,salvinder,reyanna and rachel sat together and talked about SOMETHING (shusshhh!!!). okayy lar, kidding...we only talked about the test and did our geography together. then..when school was over there was a CCA briefing...which was BO-RING! then me, rey and rachel went for sjab...which,btw, was so,totally,boring..thought i was gonna die...then i came home( the bus was SO crowded) and fell asleep (: now it is 11.56p.m. just woke up btw...oh and today was sashni's b'day..i gave her a nice (hopefully) card and a lollipop...she didn't want anything that's about it today...(:

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Valentine Gifts
Thursday, February 14, 2008 / Thursday, February 14, 2008

i ate most of the sweets(left) ready..haha (: the lovely cards i got are on the right (:

a cute balloon ..(: i got 2 of it :D
a special day
/ Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day!
i got a alot of gifts let me begin my thanks...
thank you,reyanna,sashni and jashvini for the lovely cards..ily guys too (:
and thanks to rachel(for the balloon), wu han(for the balloon), jazzymma(for the sweets),you shan(sweets!! (: ) , hillary and kayleigh (for the many hugs and wishes) (:
and thanks to everyone who gave me anything...
those who didn't give me anything ily anyway (:
today was such a nice day, i got gift after gift...(:
reminder: 2mrw is sashni's b'day!! whoohoo!! don't forget to wish her..(:


an itsy bitsy REMINDER
Wednesday, February 13, 2008 / Wednesday, February 13, 2008
forgot to mention there's english exam 2mrw too...
2mrw: CT: History



geography over, history 2mrw
/ Wednesday, February 13, 2008
yay! my geography exam is OVER!! but i have history 2mrw, as i am typing i am revising my history, i suck at hard to remember all the timeline and stuff...its not like anyone cares.. so i had appealed for dance ensemble, so, me and reyanna went for the auditon today..and...WE GOT IN!!! WE ARE SO HAPPY!!! (: but it is really tiring, we took just 1 hour to do the stretching. we had to,like, do splits and stuff and while lying on the floor we had to put our legs over our was so pain...but at the same time it was FUN....i hope they don't kick me out, cos even though i have dance background i don't think i am very good. ):
well, i can always improve. well i have to go now and revise properly.


oh no common test!!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008 / Tuesday, February 12, 2008
argh! my common test is 2mrw, i'm so scared. its geography..which i'm VERY bad at...i am sure to fail...pwease, somebody help me.....i have been revising geog. for,like, ever...still cant understand a

and history is also coming up, i'm worried about that too...its just so complicated, ): gonna die...urgh.

well, i gtg continue revising now...



Monday, February 11, 2008 / Monday, February 11, 2008
today was kinda okay we had a maths test, it was damn boring so who cares...then p.e we ran 5 rounds of the netball+basketball court. then we STILL had to do baton passing...i was already so we had to team up in groups of 4. so i was with debi, reyanna and winona. when i passed the baton to debi she took off and ran with,like, super speed...and winona too can run super fast...i was very slow (as usual). then we had some other boring stuff also...and during MT it was so boring...i felt like snoozing...but instead i started eating my friends snacks..hehe...teacher didnt even notice..(: i got nothing to do now...there is not any homework....well i might as well go take a nap now...BYE


urgh ):
Sunday, February 10, 2008 / Sunday, February 10, 2008
today was so boring, i just went out bought a new school bag and after returning home i went to sleep...could today get any more boring??? i was actually happy to go to school last year, this year not so much..what to do??? me sad...can someone please help me get over my sadness, i feel like transfering out, my school is REALLY bad....): (x100)


oh man
Friday, February 8, 2008 / Friday, February 08, 2008
i just cannot get over the fact that all of 6a 07 has been separated, i was messaging shuqing yesterday and i suddenly felt as though i was going back to zhp on monday, then i remembered that it was 2008, it is just so sad rite...and i cud not go to zhp over there on 6th feb, my schl held me freakin sad. anyway i'll write more another time


/ Friday, February 08, 2008
>my candy tray, i made it in d and t<
hehe, so i changed my blog again, i hated changing. i really don't have much to say if u wanna c my previous posts go and c



"A long night spent with your most obvious weakness. You start shaking at the thought."

Make Damn Sure by
Taking Back Sunday.





Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.